April 2, 2009

Guess what I found out today? I never had a baby shower when I was a baby! Jennifer had TWO, Steven got one, maybe EVERYONE else had one, but I never did. I feel really deprived! I was crushed when I found out! Can you believe that? No baby shower. My mom said it was because she had already had a few boys and already had everything that she needed for me. So I guess I got the leftovers. I feel so special. She says I can have a baby shower/18th bday party all at once. Jen says I can keep all the baby items I receive for when I have my own much anticipated kids. 🙂 I don’t know though. If I do, you are all definitely all invited.  (Can you register for motorcycles at Babies R Us?)

5 Responses to “I was CHEATED!”

  1. Becka said

    Probably the only motorcycles that Babies R Us sells are little plastic toy ones (if that). lol

  2. Jane said

    Maybe they didn’t have a baby shower for you because you were actually left on the doorstep…did you ever think about that?
    And you should most def have a dual 18th-baby shower! I am sure you wouldn’t get made fun of or receive any weird reactions…. =)

  3. Jen said

    Shhh Jane, we never told him about the doorstep thing… 🙂

  4. Jane said

    Oh my!!! So sorry! I just assumed he knew…..yikes!
    I mean….JUST KIDDING TOMMY! Haha! Psych! You thought I was serious, didn’t you! (belated) April Fools!!!
    *nervous giggle*

  5. jaynepomuceno said

    I thought Tommy was hatched.

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